About Us
County Line Stone was founded in 1959 By John Buyers who went by Jack.

Jack received a business degree from UB and worked as a life insurance salesman and then a payroll clerk for GM at the Tonawanda plant. Jack started a small site contracting business at the age of 24, doing small jobs and selling topsoil from a farm on Robinson road. He grew this business over the next decade and became heavily involved in trucking. In 1942, Jack got involved in trucking materials for the Manhattan Project with associated contracts from Linde Air. This is also where he would meet his wife Marge to whom he was happily married for 56 years.

After the war, in 1945 his brother joined him and they formed A & J Buyers and Sheridan Construction which grew into one of the top three road contractors in WNY by the mid 50’s. Jack enjoyed the contracting business; however he saw an opportunity in the aggregate supply business. In the late 1950’s Jack decided to go into the quarry industry and give his brother the contracting business. He found a farm on Crittenden Road in Akron which had marginal crop yields due to the limestone being only inches below the topsoil. He purchased the necessary land adjacent to the future New York State Thruway and starting mine planning. County Line Stone was started in 1958 with a lot of well used equipment that was available after the Niagara Power Project was completed.
The plant design and layout was done by James May who later founded Oakgrove Construction, one of the largest heavy highway contractors in WNY. After struggling for several years, partly because Lancaster Stone had also started about the same time, County Line Stone established itself as a competitive quality supplier.
Jack’s son John started with the company in 1970 after his own career with General Motors in Rochester. Two years later his other son Bruce came to work in sales after his career with International Harvester in San Francisco. John and Bruce ran the business for over 45 years and John is still involved with the daily operations today. John would take care of all items production related, while Bruce would handle the sales, customer service, and general management of the business. It was a great team and through the years, strong contractor relationships have developed.

Today, John’s son Mike, and Bruce’s son Brad run the day to day operations and follow in the footsteps of their fathers and grandfather. Both Mike and Brad were involved in the industry from a young age working in the asphalt lab during high school and college summers and knowing many of the major players in the construction industry as close friends.
With over 30 full time employees and a growing market demand for aggregate, we are well positioned in the market and pride ourselves on taking care of our employees and customers while maintaining a family run business. We look forward to serving the needs of the WNY market for decades to come!